
An Adiks Guide to: Panliligaw

Ver 0.9 UPDATE!!!
Probably the last update because i'm so lazy but there is the new layout i haven't figured out how to add cbox properly with this new layout yet.Added a new section this guide is now 90% complete.

Like one former band once said "Sadness is beautiful.Loneliness is tragical".So how can we fix that? Have a girlfriend of course! So here is a simple guide to courting a girl built for basic nerds/losers/ugly people out there.This guide is now 90% complete enjoy.


This guide is intended for human use only.Please use this guide with caution.This guide is intended to help court a girl and does not have a 100% guaranteedchance success.The creator of this guide should not be blamed for any emotional/physical or even spiritual damageencountered while using this guide.This guide cannot be retransmitted,reposted or otherwisesold/shown in any other place beside this webpage without the expressed written consentof the creator.This guide was made so that we can make girls safer by making nerds/loser/ugly people committhe dummest mistakes during courting.

You are welcome to add suggestion/correction/donation or stuff to this guide just email me
or im me at

===For your safety===

Please do NOT use this guide if you are


If you fail to have a girlfriend with these method please do not commit suicide.Do not put you finger inside a moving electric fan as it may cause yor finger to seperate from the other fingers.

----------General Information--------------------


Having a girlfriend while being a nerd/loser/ugly person is tougher than it already looksyou will find out that most of the pretty girls out there will most likely ignore you and your excistence in this world.


What you need

a.non-nerdish/loser like clothing
b.a cellphone
c.hairstyle that will most likely not turn-off a girl
d.some self-confidence
f.special skill (ie.joking,flirting,etc)

Finding a girl to court
It is recommended that you find a girl
1.recognizes you
2.realizes that you actually exist
3.can contact her easily

Taking the Torpe out of you
---soon to come---

Types of Approach

There a few types of approach to get a girls attention.I recommend sticking with one but you can combine thembut some combinations will not work

a.The funny friend approach
-never runs out of jokes
-always optimistic
-never too serious about life/problems

b.The good friend approach
*an exccelent 1st way to get her as your gf
-your the shoulder to cry on
-always support her in her actions
-advices her on the right thing to do
-your always there when she needs you -have wise words

c.The badboy style
-bascily doing "bad" things that get her to notice you
-being rebbellious
-i dont know to much about this

d.The gentleman approach
-doing "sweet" stuff to the girl
-always respecting the girl
-being her knight-in-shinning-armor
-always telling her stuff like she's beautiful not hot

e.The teasing-her-always style
-basicly teasing her a LOT
-use this to the girl who expects you to shower her with praises
-you have to do it in a way that you wont hurt her feelings
-know when to stop and be serious

f.The cool way
-this will not be covered in our guide since this was built FOR nerds/losers/ugly people
-usually this is in line with being handsome
-being in a cool band
-having ridiculously rich clothes/cars/etc

g.The rich boy effect
-only works on girls who are "golddiggers"

h.The macho man/johnny bravo way
-requires: built up body with muscles and abs
-watch johnny bravo cartoon show
-good to attract a woman but not for long relationships

Making the first move
Before making any move towards any girl i highly suggest doing the following:
-brush your teeth well
-look at the mirror for any signs of unwanted stuff [ie boogers] that will instanly make you look more of a nerd/loser than you possible already are.


Now once you have done those things here are a few ways of getting her to be your friend. Friends first ok? So in case you didn't get her as a gf you still have a friend.

-(If Classmate) in the first few days try to talk to her (if she is NOT ignoring your existence in this world) about light stuff like assignments,stupid teachers,tv shows
*At this stage try to go with her side on arguments about stupid teachers*
*this will hopefully make her a little comfortable talking to you*

-(If co-ed,neighboor,etc) again talk to her about anything around your surrounding or anything like that

TIPS: Do not do this step in a way that she knows that you are tryng to get close to her. Make it look like an innocent conversation. Try to time it right: when she's alone ex in a part of your classroom or her friends are of somewhere or even better if youre near her.
Time: Around 1-3 weeks for best effect.
Hard Part: First time talking to her.


If step 1 is successful then you would have probably spend a little time a day talking to her.

-Get to know a little about her that WILL help you in your goal

TIP: Try to get as much info about her FROM her but never force her to tell you.
Time: Around 1-2 weeks if you feel you already have all the info you need.Hard Part:Talking to her while not showing signs of interest *yet*.


Now comes the hard part.Step 3 includes:
-being with her
-knowing if she likes you

*Being with her*
During step 2 you must have at least known her schedule.If you know where she's likely to be at certain times this will be useful.Once you know that its clear to be alone with her,go!
(Do NOT do ANY stupid stuff like try to kiss her or hold her hand)
Go with her in times like afternoon when she going home but do it in a way in which you do not look like a suitor in peoples eyes.

*Knowing if she likes you*
You luckly nerd/loser.If you made it through the first part of step3 it either means:
-she likes you OR -shes very kind in not tryng to be rude by saying/acting like she doesnt want you

To know if she DOES like you,you can try the following things:

-asking her out (if she agrees then your lucky)
*will be covered in another part of this guide*

-(By using Step#2 in conjuction with funny-friend apprach)
When/If talks she talks about guys she likes
(Meaning you probably did step 2 for months)
In a joking way tell her that you're better/more handsome than those guys she likes (which we know it is not true) she would probably have 3 reactions:
She would laugh at you.
She would say something like "yeah right".
She would defend the guy saying HE is more handsome/cooler/etc
or If the world would probably be destroyed at that very moment she would agree that you are more handsome/better than the guy she likes.


There is no step 4 because if you did steps1-3 then youd already have her as a friend.Now you can start showing her you like her.

How to get her attention
With a lot of research and survey,and a lot of people thinking that asking them questions about thismeans that i like them(no survey purposes only).I have these ways of getting her attention

1.Not acting stupid
->mostly stupid people are ignored by girls

2.(If you choose funny-friend-approach)
Pa-cute Effect
->mostly works in conjunction with a joking style personality
->do stuff like hinting to her that YOU say yourself look cute

3.(If you choose rich boy effect) Cool clothes say it all
->those brands that cost ridiculously high prices or accessories like the latest iPod,Cellphone or a PSP helps too

4.(If you stupidly choose maco man way) um..showing off your 6-pack?
->this is just plain stupid

5.(If you choose gentleman effect) simply being a gentleman
->respect her,open doors for her,treat her
->basically treat her like a princess
->always make her feel loved
->this is just too much work and money for me

6.(If you choose the good-friend approach) your always there [note:not a stalker]
->you need to have her already as a friend if you use this style
->basically showing her that she can always count on you
->99% of the time taking her side on arguments
->support her in all her actions
(when she has passed the waw-crush-ko-si-ganto stage make your moveshow her that YOU can be an excellent bf rather than those umm..more handsome,richer,smarter guys.i just couldnt wait to say that)

7.(Teasing-her-always style [im tired of typing if you choose.oh wait i just typed it again.])
->again this requires for her to already be your friend
->tease her a lot,about probably anything you can possibly think of about her
->timing here is everything,time your teases right and that adds to plus points
->girls may not know it but now they are getting comfortable around you [<--not from my mouth] [note: again learn when to stop]

What to wear
To sum this part up,i divide these styles only into two.
1. Clothes that scream wow.
->like i said,brand names here are everything
->even if a shirt is ugly if it has a big-brand-name then it turns into a good shirt
->you need cash here not for cheap people like me

2.Clothes that look good on you
->most nerds/losers/etc will have a difficult time with this
->ask a friend [cool one i hope] for advice on what clothes complements you and what other stuff those fashion gay stupid people tell you on tv.

How to communicate well

This is where the cellphone comes in.Use it often to let her know you care about her.You can also use this with the approaches mentioned above.

Never relly(wtf spelling!) on your cellphone to much.You have to ask and talk to her personally,too.An the key to a good relationship(besides goodlooks and attitudes)
is communication.You should be able to communicate well with her.

Tips in communicating with your future girlfriend:

#1 Be there when she is lonely.
-self explanatory

#2 Be there when she needs a friend/a shoulder to cry on
-kind of like the 1st one i just wanted to add a #2 so it would look long

#3 Let her know your versatility
-by this i mean don't be just there as a guy who makes her laugh.Be her goodfriend,bestfriend adn then eventually you can reach the rank of boyfriend.

How to be with her

Or you could rename this section into "How to be alone with her".Now lets get strait to the point.
How do you be with here?

Step#1 Know her sched
-I cant bear in words how much this could help you.
-Know when she's alone and then get near her and make your moves.

Step#2 Ask her out
-Ah what better way to be alone with her than on a date?No pesky people(unless they spy in you two).And the whole they with her.
-Be romantic
-If not done properly this could be expensive.

Step#3 Plan a day with her
-Dangerous.This has a lot of risks.
-By a chance she could be turned-off
-Even if you plan everything right,there is still a chance everything could go wrong

What do you do when your alone with her

Step#1 Don't be maniac/manyak
-This is ver important.Don't look or act like a rapist for goodnes sakes.

Step#2 Know the right moves
-Be serious when with her when your alone
-Show her signs that you like-like her

How to ask her on a date

No more random rants on this section.As mentioned above a great way of being alone with her is on a date.Now how do you ask her out?
This basically depends on the type of approach you did.So use your creativity in asking her out.There are a million of possible ways.
Here's a few examples,tips or maybe useless info.

Situation Date
-You ask her out near a scheduled stuff like a project.Ask her on a date in this sense "Do you have something to do after the project?um..You want to watch a movie?".Just create your own style from that example.

Planned Date
-This ussually requires for you to be a close/good friend of her for at least a couples weeks.

Unexpected Dates
-Now this is a tricky one.This is a date that you just happen to see her or meet her someplace and shes got nothing to do
-Be creative so that it won't end up as a bad date.

What to do on a date

Here is a few things you should consider when in a date

Where to date?
Though there is the traditional mall,some people reccommend places like beautiful parks (parks are getting extinct now curse you malls).
You could also try a place with a beautiful view like those romantic places seen on tv.You could surprise her and bring her to a totally
romantic place that i have yet to mention.

Where to eat?
-Not to cheap yet not to expensive

What to do?
A few routine things include

-Don't always pick a romantic movie
-You can choose stuff that she absolutely likes ex.comedy wouldn't it be nice to share laughter together

b.Just Talking
-This could be a great time to spend quality time.
-You could talk about anything in the world.
-Choose a romantic spot to rest and relax those tired muscles.

c.Arcade (i love this part)
-Ah yes my Fave Part ok first the donts

Games include:Tekken,Streetfighter,*insert other fighting games here*

Instead Play games where you could enjoy each others complany even if you two look stupid playing that game
Games include:Dance Dance Revo,The Basketball shooting thingy

*Bonus Pogi Points*
Win Her a Cute prize (not those cheap pencils,pins,etc i'm talking about stuff toys)

Pop The Question

Now it's time to let her know that you want her as your girlfriend.This is the make or break moment.This could possibly ruin your friendship or it could lead to your 1st girlfriend (hopefully).
You must have known by know if she likes you.Attracting her and letting her know you like-like her basically is up to you because you yourself know what she likes and how she would react to things.
But of course i do have some simple tips for you.

-Again timing is everything. Pop the question at just the right time to get more pogi points but don't wait to long you might run out of time.

-I highly reccommend a very romantic place when you ask her.Wouldn't it be more memorable if you asked her in a expensive resto rather than during math time at class?
-Kudos (meaning cool points i think) for you if you manage to pull this off in the girls house.

Speech/Way of saying
-DO NOT ASK HER VIA SMS/TEXT that is very important.You got to have confidence ask her personally.That's major plus pogi points if you can ask her in a romantic way.

-Not too shy yet not to confident.

-Simply don't look stupid on the day you ask her.

There are of course some restrictions that yo must avoid

-If the girl likes you but the parents don't.Umm it's all up to you.Don't do 'tanan' ha.
-There is a section dedicated to this.See below.
Other Guys
-I have no idea so far.Violence is never the answer.

-------------------Everything Else that matters-------------
Making her friends your friends

What Girls Hate

Guys Tips for Guys


Thank You Section

To other people who I forgot to put on the list.Just remind me to add your name.Thank you to all the people who answered the surveys:

(In no particular Order)

Ma. Kristina Tigno

Ate Nayami

Ate Lei


Claudine Ona

April Mulintapang

Jill Conception

Iris Rivares

Monina delos Santos

Agnes Malihan

TO All the adiks out there.If it weren't for them i would probably have a girlfriend by now hahaha.

To the [Adiktus Clan] for all those hours of Ragnarok,Nba,etc.

To me for making this guide and all the typing i had to do.



At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! first comment me... well, i really think you did a nice job! pero ciempre make sure that you're prospects won't know about this "adik_guide" thing kc for sure magagalet un sau.. hehe... i really like it! it is so true! and absolutely i'll recommend this to my classmates and friends who are always BUSTED! hehe... but of all the things you've shared the most important of all is-- being yourself, showing your true personality. remeber that we, girls like guys who are real at hinde ung puno ng showbiz and caprichuhan...(i wish you know what that means..) nice job! and the layout is so cute... kaya lang... warning sa girls na makakabasa nito: baka lokohin lang kau ng ghost na gumawa ng kaekek-an na ito.. beware! go.. ghost! kaya mo yan! cge lang mangolekta ka lng ng girls... remember lang na someday you'll meet your match... wish you luck! hehe...
** dapat pala gumawa ako ng blog entitled: how to trick an "adikseo" guy into thinking you like him and then make him lose his head!!! hahaha....

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! first comment me... well, i really think you did a nice job! pero ciempre make sure that you're prospects won't know about this "adik_guide" thing kc for sure magagalet un sau.. hehe... i really like it! it is so true! and absolutely i'll recommend this to my classmates and friends who are always BUSTED! hehe... but of all the things you've shared the most important of all is-- being yourself, showing your true personality. remeber that we, girls like guys who are real at hinde ung puno ng showbiz and caprichuhan...(i wish you know what that means..) nice job! and the layout is so cute... kaya lang... warning sa girls na makakabasa nito: baka lokohin lang kau ng ghost na gumawa ng kaekek-an na ito.. beware! go.. ghost! kaya mo yan! cge lang mangolekta ka lng ng girls... remember lang na someday you'll meet your match... wish you luck! hehe...
** dapat pala gumawa ako ng blog entitled: how to trick an "adikseo" guy into thinking you like him and then make him lose his head!!! hahaha....

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.. this is great.. i wanna congratulate u coz.. sawakas natapos mo din.. hehehe.. nweiz.. am sure dame ma222nan dito ang iba..

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Princess of Sarcasm said...

lol~i second the motion about the blog for fooling guys~:DDD~haha~ and what is caprichuhan~o___O;; lol

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger I M D. N U? said...

Lol.. I like your style in writing this; it reminds me of a DotA strategy guide. Binabasa ko to nung Computer class some weeks ago at nakakahiya sa mga katabi ko kasi pigil na pigil ang tawa ko. :D Anyway, papaalam lang, link kita.

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi. haha certified adik ka tlga
ipagpatuloy mo ang iyong gawaing iyan at malayo ang mrarating mo bata.. hehe..


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